The studio

Our approach starts from listeningthe point of view of those in front of us is very important because it allows us to broaden our understanding of the theme, the limits of the project and its complexity.

We are stubborn, we are never really satisfied with a result because any project can be perfected.
We like to think of a project as a journey without a preset arrival. We analyse and rethink what we have done over the years in line with the advancing technical possibilities or our experience and awareness.

We seek a feeling of harmony and wholeness that we apply to every area. It is the feeling you get when every element finds a meaning in relation to the whole in a balance between the parts. In this perspective, the differences between designing an environment, an object, a brand or a website are blurred.

The studio took part in the 2014 and 2017 editions of SaloneSatellite, attracting critical interest and establishing collaborations with companies in Italy and abroad.

In the 2017 edition the studio was selected by La Rinascente, out of 650 participants, to exhibit and sell its projects at the store in Piazza Duomo in Milan.

Today, two of the studio’s projects are part of the prestigious permanent collection of the Salone Satellite itself.

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